How can I help? Working with patrick
There are several ways to work with Patrick. You may like to get some insight into your life right now and how to move forward in a positive way. This is where a reading and spirit guide painting may be able to help you.
You may like to improve your own visionary or psychic artwork and develop or strengthen your link with spirit and the infinite creative abundance out there. A private tuition session or group workshop with Patrick may be just the thing to boost your confidence and find some new talents.
Patrick hosts many workshops across the country. Check out his event calendar to see when he is in your area next!
Sometimes life gets a little too complicated or difficult for us and we feel the need for a little guidance to help us through the obstacles and challenges that are being put into our path. A clear, objective and spiritually guided perspective on one's situation can help us pinpoint our struggles and mistakes and find a way out of the maze, give us hope and renewed zest and above all, help us understand that we are the creators of our own future.
Patrick offers psychic readings, spiritual life coaching and spirit guide paintings in person, by phone and through Skype.

1-2-1 Visionary & Psychic Art Tuition
Patrick is happy to teach almost anyone on a 1-2-1 basis, no matter what your experience in visionary or psychic art. Learn how to connect to your higher self, your creative core, and spirit guidance, and then learn how to capture your vision on canvas!
Art & Personal Development Workshops
Patrick regularly runs psychic art or personal development weekend retreats and workshops throughout the UK, sometimes in conjunction with other teachers. You can check out his events calendar and Facebook pages for any announcements of upcoming retreat and workshop dates.